Monday, April 26, 2010

Brewery Insurance

It amazes me how some people are (or at least seem) callous. I called a company today to get a basic quote for brewery insurance, and I swear it was like I asked for her first born. IDK what is wrong with people, but I am trying to find out how much money I am going to have to give you. When the operator asked how she could help me, and I told her that I was looking for an insurance quote, I was sent to this lady. So I am pretty sure that that was her job.

I get it, I am sure that there are probably tons of people who want to open a brewery, and may not be serious. But I was, or really I am. Opening a brewery is not just a dream for us, it is a reality. Maybe others don’t take it seriously, but we do.

Oh – and they want resumes from us before they will give us insurance. What is that about??? Anyone have a clue why they want/need that? I guess we will find out soon.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Starting our own Brewery - Riverwalk Brewing

Ok, so I haven’t blogged in a while. I will admit it. BUT I had good reason. A few weeks ago my husband decided that we were going to open a brewery. Yes your heard me right. He somehow convinced me to spend my savings on beer. We have started the process, but have a long way to go. I am planning on blogging about the process.

So far I can tell you that finding a location for the brewery has been much harder than expected. We have certain ceiling height requirements, drainage requirements, water, and power requirements that are not that easy to come by. We are working towards our goal and will be looking at another few places next week.

I have been talking with distributors, building a solid marketing plan, looking into suppliers, and working with the legal and $$ related stuff. Steve (AKA Hubby) has been working on perfecting the recipes and finding the right equipment. We are getting closer on all accounts, but have so much more to do.

We have a name, but no logo. I have a friend of mine who also happens to be a world class artist working on the logo right now. I hope to have that soon. As per the name it is called Riverwalk Brewing. So be on the lookout for more details. I hope you will become a fan on FB.

I hope you will continue to read my blog, and tell others about this blog, because it is about to get a little more exciting. The trials and tribulations on fulfilling our dreams – Riverwalk Brewing LLC.